Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Church Building Construction

Saturday, December 31, 2016
3/2/17 - Not a lot is going on at the church, almost all of the work is done. The guy is still clearing the property of scrub brush. The land looks a lot more "open" now.
3/2/17 - The guy is still clearing the property of scrub brush. The land looks a lot more "open" now. Here are some different views of the church from the cleared land.
3/2/17 - It's been a while since I posted a panorama, this is a 180° view from the cleared land.
3/2/17 - Here is the guy still clearing brush at the far back part of the property.
3/2/17 - Here is the guy still clearing brush at the far back part of the property.
3/2/17 - A view of the church from the side entrance near the road that runs along one side of the property.
3/2/17 - The church from the front corner of the cleared land.
3/2/17 -A closer view from the front corner of the property.
3/3/17 - Concrete stops for parking spaces. The stairs are still waiting to be finished.
3/3/17 - Pastor Ben brought our old picnic tables from the old church.
3/3/17 - The long, deep trench has finally been covered.
3/3/17 - The long, deep trench has finally been covered.
3/3/17 - The back of the property is looking more open.
3/3/17 - The back of the property is looking more open.
3/3/17 - Many buckets of glue is waiting to stick the carpet squares to the floor. The carpet will be started in a couple of days.
3/3/17 - We finally got the projector screen hung! Thanks to Pastor Ben and his friend who has been doing the landscaping we were able to get that heavy thing up and in place.
3/3/17 - We finally got the projector screen hung! Thanks to Pastor Ben and his friend who has been doing the landscaping we were able to get that heavy thing up and in place.
3/3/17 - Our other storage building was moved to the new church from our old church today. Pastor Ben spent over half the day unloading the building, waiting on the movers, then putting everything back again.
3/3/17 - Our other storage building was moved to the new church from our old church today. Pastor Ben spent over half the day unloading the building, waiting on the movers, then putting everything back again.
3/3/17 - Our other storage building was moved to the new church from our old church today. Pastor Ben spent over half the day unloading the building, waiting on the movers, then putting everything back again.
3/3/17 - The screen works! After hooking up the control pad and switching on the breaker we now have a working screen.
3/3/17 - The floor boxes housing the microphone connectors were put in this afternoon, in preparation for the carpet install.
3/3/17 - Another angle of the screen. . . Looking good!
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Carpet installation is underway. Two of our church members Bart and his son Brandon are carpet installers, they are putting in the carpet.
3/6/17 - Bart is putting the carpet in the room just to the right of the platform.
3/6/17 - The sanctuary went pretty quickly.
3/7/17 - One of the guys that have been working on the stairs is back to finish it up.
3/7/17 - Another day and another section of the church carpet is almost done. The fellowship hall is just about done.
3/7/17 - Since the sanctuary yesterday, they have finished the foyer and the hallway.
3/7/17 - The hallway.
3/7/17 - The foyer.
3/7/17 - The foyer.
3/7/17 - The doorway to the sanctuary.
3/7/17 - It looks like something has been delivered since yesterday.
3/7/17 - It looks like something has been delivered since yesterday. Lets look closer.
3/7/17 - The new chairs for the sanctuary have arrived.
3/7/17 - The new chairs for the sanctuary have arrived.
3/7/17 - The new chairs for the sanctuary have arrived.
3/7/17 - It looks like a couple more rows to go and the fellowship hall area will be carpeted.
3/8/17 - It looks like the staircase is just about done, just a little more to go on the railing.
3/8/17 - It looks like the staircase is just about done, just a little more to go on the railing.
3/8/17 - It looks like the staircase is just about done, just a little more to go on the railing.
3/8/17 - Nothing going on inside today, it looks like the fellowship hall is 99% done.
3/8/17 - The classrooms off the fellowship hall are done.
3/8/17 - A view toward the kitchen.

About Aiken Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Aiken Seventh-day Adventist church was founded in the 1950s by a handful of believers who began meeting together in each other’s houses.  Over the last 60+ years our membership has grown and worship facilities have been enlarged.  Construction of our new church building is complete.  We have started holding services at our new building since April 1st 2017!


